There are so many Racefit choices available, so here is a quick summary to help you make the right choice for you (choose one from each of the 3 categories below - except for Growler X, please see below).  Not all choices are available to every single product, so please check on the relevant product/bike model listing for what is available.

NB All choices are the same price (except for the Black Edition Welded in Diffuser end cap which is an extra £30).

1. Sleeve material

 Carbon    Titanium
(with a decal)   
Titanium Etched


 2. Sleeve length

150mm  235mm


3. End Cap

Growler  Black Edition
 Black Edition welded in diffuser
NB removable baffle and diffuser only available for this end cap
NB + £30





The Growler-X is available for some bike models and the above options do not apply to this exhaust except for sleeve material.  Please see bike model listings for specific options.

The welded in diffuser option is also available for the Growler-X (additional £30)